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Scream at the Economy

Scream at the Economy is a participatory project which invites people to call a phone number and scream at the economy. We want to utilize the scream as a primary accessible interface but also as an instinctive survival expression, as a warning of danger, and through considering the historical context and implications of the “Scream” in art history (such as in Munch’s painting) that have become a kind of shorthand of modern alienation and despair, icons of anxiety and hopelessness. The archived screams are recorded as mp3 files. On the web they will be used to create a musical composition by various international composers, that will be available to download for free beginning June 25, 2009 at As a second action the musical composition will be played in the “screamer,” (see diagram) a portable speaker system, that will perform in public spaces in front of relevant financial institutions.










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