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Using the flexibility of art theory and production, the Floating Lab functions as a double-jointed platform for organizations and populations.



During collaboration, the Floating Lab mutates its internal production components (crafters, designers, performers, mediators, technologists, community organizers, academics and policy advocates) to catalyze and be catalyzed by other social bodies.


FLC’s flexible processes authorize social bodies to temporarily bypass their organizational restrictions. 


This synthetic environment allows social bodies to respond to known pressures,  mutate/adopt behaviors and play-test future value systems. 











The FLC aims to incubate and learn from ‘super-abled’ social bodies. The ‘super-abled’ refers to bodies that adopt prosthetics not to recuperate lost abilities -- but to enable new and alien ones.



The FLC understands that mutually vulnerable feedback systems with 'super-abled' bodies hold the most promising re-formulations of social equality -- outpacing attempts to describe, theorize and control them.











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