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La Casa Blanda //
The Collective White House

Medellin, Colombia – 9.1.2011

The Collective White House nº1 is to be constructed from the used bedsheets of an inexpensive motel. Donation of the bedsheets is an important element of the project. The bedsheets are a perfect metaphor for the transient condition of individuals, addressing issues of identity and immigration in the context of an economic system of exchange and labor. The project calls on the participation of the local populace and craft-makers, so the whole of the community reflects on the construction process and ultimately the final structure. This process opens the possibility for abundant nuances and personal expression in the building of the structure. The building is also a commentary on the homogenizing effect of modern labor practices and the ability for communities to generate value locally.


All of the Medellin projects are gathered centrally in a public artwork taking the shape of a 1/5 scale replica of the White House. This charged symbol of global power is reduced in scale, softened by its bed sheet walls and animated by the intimacy of its contents which consider a new relationship to power.


The Casa Blanda contains the resulting work of the agencies including musical recordings, embroidery, maps, videos, cell phone activated LCD displays, costume design, and street performance. The image of the Casa Blanda is transformed into an intimate, floating, ephemeral space, for making connections, where the sensual and fragile is privileged over the rational.  Our goal is to identify an affective city, one in which daily lives are revealed in relation to larger social structures. This is a first step in a transformational process that can lead toward a resilient future.



Utilizing the nomenclature of the institutional process, a series of six departments or ministries are housed inside the Collective White House. These departments use our understanding of the bureaucratic process to initiate a dialogue between the people and the institution.












Subverting the unspoken exchange of signals common to the drug culture, we designed a series of new urban gestures that reflect on peace, social inclusion and progress- new gestures of an affectionate city. Diagrams of these signs are pasted around the city.




This project addresses the experience of discriminatory language and how it affects the Afro-Colombian community. The project is comprised of two actions:

•Afro-Colombian Stories (video 2’55’’) :  White actors read stories of daily discrimination written by Afro-Colombians.



A map outline of the city was silk-screened on large sheets of paper. The maps were distributed through the public library system so that  people can fill in the maps with their own interpretations of the city, “comuna”, neighborhood, or landscape, in order to reveal the forms and patterns that express personal geography in relation to power, inclusion, exclusion, “invisible barriers”, agency, discriminatory practices, or social commentary. The results form a Cartographic Agency that reveals personal maps as a means of understanding the social context of the city. Ultimately between 20 – 40  maps were displayed inside the gallery of the Museum of Antioqiua.



The Mobile Studio is a response to violence against rappers in the low-income communities of Medellin. Typically young, these rappers comment directly on the gangs, drugs, invisible barriers, and deaths that dominate their community. Their brazen critique of the drug/gang culture has lead to retaliatory attacks.  Since 2008, at least 6 young rappers have been assassinated in one of these communities alone; there are 13 in Medellin.

A donated bus was converted into a recording studio that traveled to the points in the city. Rappers recorded on the bus and fiberglass dog sculptures projected the audio outside of the bus. These sculptures were built with the help of the students of the University of Antioquioa.



Escritores, typists using mechanical type writers, are a part of the informal street economy of Medellin.  Escritos can be found on a side street of Plaza Botero (the plaza of the Museum of Antioquia) typing the letters for those who cannot. The purpose of these letters are broad but familiar: family members afar, legal and business transactions. The Escritos translate the thoughts of the ordinary Colombian, they are authors and poets for hire. They can put into words the intimate thoughts of a lover or the hardship of the displaced person.




“I am from Urabá, I came to Medellín with my family displaced by violence. Working in the Park for two years Berrio. At my age and my disability gives me no work. Coming to the park told me that if someone wanted to sell minutes, and I accepted. I knew nothing about phones and stuff, but I got it. “


This is a classic story of the Minutero. Minuteros carry cell phones attached to a vest and make phone calls for about $.08 USD. The minutero occupation provided steady work and a relatively smooth transition from a period of violent conflict. In the past few years the minuteros workforce has come to represent the unemployed, young children who cannot afford schooling (typically female), displaced peoples from the surrounding area.


The minutero is an archive of the social meme, a depository for the daily interactions of people in Medellin. The stories that they hear provide us with a context with which to view the city. We invited the minuteros to recount their stories and be projected on Collective White House. The stories they tell are personal, funny, and frequently touch on the complexity of the socio-political context of Medellin.



Colectivo Floating Lab (Laboratorio Flotante)

Donald Russell, Curador/Curator

Marta Isabel Arroyave R.

Edgar Endress

Olivier Giron

Lindsay Hawks

Peter Lee

Paula Matallana

William Shubert

Blake Turner

Sean Watkins

Jonathan Williams

Sue Wrbican


Laboratorio Flotante, Colombia ()

Marta Isabel Arroyave R.

Jorge Mario Villada

Catalina Hernandez

Carlos Andrés Marín

Sara Roldán

Luis Alejandro Arango Blandón

Alvaro Echeverry

Jonathan Correa Henao

Cintya Maturana

Andres Felipe Arroyave Restrepo

Christian Muñoz

Jhonatan Gómez Henao

Cristobal Isaza Velasquez

Carlos Alberto Jacanamijoy Quinchoa

Ojas Rojas

Daniela Saldarriaga

Yuliana Andrea Gil Serza

Marta Puerta


Samir Varela

Daniela Pineda


Museo de Antioquia

Ana Piedad Jaramillo, Directora/Director

Marta Isabel Arroyave R.*

 *Project Manager Extraordinaire

Conrado Uribe, Curador/Curator

Juan José Restrepo*

 *Asistente de Curaduría/Curator Assitant

Juan Guillermo Bustamante.,Director MD11

Sandra Escobar

Viviana Gomez

Juan Jose Restrepo

Zoranny Restrepo



Centro de Desarrollo Cultural de Moravia

Carlos Uribe, Director

Claudia Velásquez López


Casa Blanda Colectiva

Edwin Ochoa Vélez*

 *Diseño y Construccion/Design & Construction

Mauricio Ochoa Vélez

Milton Ochoa Vélez

Julian Palacio

Francisco Paz

Carlos Cordoba

Faber Mousalve

Fabian Carvajal

Olga Velez

Gloria Noreña

Esteban Ochoa

Andres Ochoa


Taller de Tejido y Bordado – Morar

Centro de Desarrollo Cultural de Moravia

Luz Omaira Tabares, Coordinator

Sandra Janeth Cespedes

Edwin Steven Hurtado

Maribel Lopez

Marisol Lopez

Luz Adiela Marin

Mariela del Socorro Marin

Mario Marulando

Blanca Lucia Pena

Yailud Lopez Presiga

Eugenia Pusiga

Doris Bectel R.

Aurora Ramirez

Ana Lucia Soto

Gloria Nancy Usma


Agencia de Inclusión

Margarita Betancur Franco (Matacandelas)


Ramón Perea

Sally Viviana

Edwin Vergara

Fidel Renteria


Agencia de Alabaos

Maria Martinez

Juan Edilson Martinez


Pablo Villegas

Maria Uribe Posada

Mauricio Mosquera: Director Telemedellín


Agencia de Cartografía

Martha Cecilia Grisales, Directora Parques Biblioteca

Catalina Acosta Jimenez y Camila

Angela Maria Arroyave R.

Martha L. Ruiz V.


Diálogos en la Casa Blanda Colectiva

Agnieszka Bolikowska

Diana Matilde Múnera

Natalia Grisales

Francisco Masso

Gustavo Alberto Henao

Rolando Martinez

Raul Gonzalez

Jorge Anderson

Perros Voladores y Carteles de Lenguaje de Signos

Universidad de Antioquia, facultad de Artes

Jorge Mario Villada

Catalina Hernandez

Carlos Andrés Marín

Sara Roldán

Luis Alejandro Arango Blandón

Alvaro Echeverry

Jonathan Correa Henao

Cintya Maturana

Andres Felipe Arroyave Restrepo

Christian Muñoz

Jhonatan Gómez Henao

Cristobal Isaza Velasquez

Carlos Alberto Jacanamijoy Quinchoa

Ojas Rojas

Daniela Saldarriaga

Yuliana Andrea Gil Serza

Marta Puerta


Samir Varela

Daniela Pineda


Agencia Estudio Movil

William Mauricio Zapata Amaya

Juan Guillermo Arial


Mariana del Caspillo

José Pastor Castrillon

José Javier Castaño

Gerente Cootrasana

Sergio Cordoba

Juan Guillermo Torres G.


Brian Alexander Cuervo Lopez

Censura Maestra

Latinos Hip-Hop

León Darío Montoya

Lioomara Montoya Illo (la Mara)

Liliana Paez

Los Ninos

Manu y Chauo

Carlos Pradilla

Jairo Rosovo

Sergio Andres Ruiz

Juan Carlos Montoya Montoya



Agencia de Comics

César Ramirez

Salon del Comic


Agencia de Minuteros

Sara Gallego Quiróz, Costume Design


Trabajadoras del Sexuales

Luz Marina Duque Piedrahita*

 *Directora Corporación rescatando Valores

Sara La Peliroja, Costume Design

Esneida Morales




Gloria Estela

Diana Carolina


Rossana Orozco

Margarita Pineda

René Urquijo

Juan Guillermo Giraldo Jimenez

Daniel Restrepo Castaño


Esculturas Arte Sacro México

Marco Antonio Moreno


Bordados Bolivia

Narda Zapata Producción de bordados

Richard Charcas


Agencia de Inclusión

Margarita Betancur Franco (Matacandelas)


Ramón Perea

Sally Viviana

Edwin Vergara

Fidel Renteria



Joseph Abrahams

Tom Ashcraft

Gina Biver

Randy Broz

Helen Brunner


Cesar Castro

Danny Chae

John Costa

Chris Cutrona

Reginald Daves

Marina Galvani

Lindsay Hawks

Lily Martin

Lisa Gold

Jackie Klingebiel

Korean United Methodist Church

of Greater Washington

Anne Lilly


Jeff May

Karstena Munzing

Claire McConaughy


Janice Quill

Reta Rahshia

Al Ribeiro

Eli Romanchak

Don Russell

Melissa Sexton

Sue & Donald Sexton

Kimberly Sheridan

Amanda Swenson

Kay Swenson


Sharon Tomasic

Marissa Turner

Marion Warren

Sean Watkins




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